
There is a distinct magnetism of this region; a connection between the people, the sea, and the land that touches it. At Brackish, we use landscape architecture as a way of deepening this attachment of people to place; of creating designs that respond to a remarkably east coast way of life.

Founded by partners Matthew Brown and Sandra Cooke in 2019, Brackish Design Studio is a landscape architecture company born of Atlantic Canada; a place where the dramatic and varied natural landscape is as fluctuating as it is beautiful. We are inspired by the forces of time and tide; of growth and decline, of climate and weather, and how these ebbs and flows shape the built and natural environments that we inhabit. As designers, our task is to create places that are resilient, sustainable, and as unique as Atlantic Canada itself. Through each project, we seek to express the region’s history, culture, and environment, and what that means for today’s society. To us, this means design that is respectful of the area’s natural and cultural heritage through a return to local traditions and materials, re-imagined for contemporary life. We don’t look to re-create the past, but learn from it to reveal a unique narrative of twenty-first-century Atlantic Canada. The design we create today is the legacy we leave behind for tomorrow.


Matthew A.J. Brown
(Principal / Founding Partner / Landscape Architect)

Sandra A. Cooke
(Principal / Founding Partner / Landscape Architect)

Avery Clarke
(Landscape Designer)

Karly Do
(Landscape Designer)

Dimana Kolarova
(Landscape Designer)

Jordan Yule
(Landscape Designer)


Rooted in Theory

At Brackish, we believe in balancing our practice with participation in academia and the broader design community. Matthew and Sandra’s teaching appointments and speaking engagements throughout the North-east allow us to take part in current design discourse beyond our own borders, thus ensuring that the work of our practice is both progressive and contemporary, yet contextual and local. It is through these diverse experiences that we share our passion for Atlantic Canada while also gaining a much deeper appreciation for what makes our home region so unique.

The work of Brackish is deeply rooted in two distinct contemporary design theories:

Critical Regionalism
(Unique vs. The Generic)

Industrialization, globalization, commodification, modernization, and urbanization bring forth questions of resilience in our innately rural context. The theory of Critical Regionalism brought forth by Kenneth Frampton is an overt rejection of the homogeneity derived from the impacts of universal civilization. Instead of creating developments that favour the bulldozing of sites to a precondition of placelessness, critical regionalism favours the peculiarities of site that celebrate an autochthonous culture. This idea is at the core of Brackish Studio’s work. We place the highest priority on the intrinsic value of the local, creating design solutions that favour the unique over the generic.

Ecological Urbanism
(Landscape Foundation)

The foundation of Atlantic Canada’s history and culture is built upon our unique relationship with the varied landscapes of our coastal region. For centuries, Maritimers have had a symbiotic relationship with the land. The theory of Ecological Urbanism highlights the importance of this relationship between our built and natural environments, promoting design innovation that according to author Mohsen Mostafavi “incorporates and accommodates the inherent confliction conditions between ecology and urbanism.” As Landscape Architects, this theory is of utmost importance, understanding the complexity of regional ecologies and utilizing them to better inform our built environments. For Brackish, this in-depth understanding of ecologies informs sustainable design solutions that are performative in nature. Landscape becomes infrastructure.